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Spelling List 1:
  1. last
  2. flat
  3. drag
  4. limp
  5. milk
  6. black
  7. track
  8. lick
  9. brick
  10. stick
Spelling List 2:
  1. help
  2. pond
  3. dust
  4. speck
  5. struck
  6. dump
  7. gust
  8. cost
  9. gem
  10. cell
Spelling List 3:
  1. thin
  2. splash
  3. crunch
  4. whip
  5. bench
  6. shock
  7. brush
  8. drench
  9. struck
  10. cloth
Spelling List 4: 
  1. grade
  2. brake
  3. sale
  4. wade
  5. plane
  6. shave
  7. trade
  8. whale
  9. grape
  10. blaze
Spelling List 5: 
  1. wade
  2. mile
  3. slice
  4. vine 
  5. gripe 
  6. pride 
  7. spine 
  8. place 
  9. swipe 
  10. wage
Spelling List 6:
  1. globe
  2. brake
  3. tube
  4. code
  5. flute
  6. white
  7. drive
  8. plate
  9. poke
  10. hike
Spelling List 7: 
  1. insect
  2. publish
  3. napkin
  4. fuzzy
  5. mascot
  6. hundred
  7. object
  8. sudden
  9. insist
  10. goblin
Spelling List 8: 
  1. maintain
  2. haystack
  3. playday
  4. Sunday
  5. payment
  6. mainland
  7.  rainfall
  8. raindrop
  9. sprain
  10. stray
  11. would
  12. away
  13. stay
Spelling List 9:
  1. sleet
  2. screen
  3. clean
  4. indeed
  5. teach
  6. creek
  7. cheap
  8. stream
  9. bleach
  10. sheep
Spelling List 10: 
  1. spice
  2. sigh
  3. drive
  4. while
  5. bright
  6. fright
  7. might
  8. prize
  9. slime
  10. pry
Spelling List 11:
  1. boast
  2. poach
  3. foams
  4. roast
  5. bold
  6. gold
  7. roams
  8. coach
  9. float
  10. moan
Spelling List 12:
  1. aiming
  2. playing
  3. raining
  4. lighting
  5. eating
  6. molding
  7. floating
  8. planting
  9. teaching
  10. camping
  11. helping
  12. packing
  13. jumping
  14. sleeping
  15. needing
Spelling List 13: 
  1. Swimming
  2. dropping
  3. clipping
  4. snapping
  5. stopping
  6. bragging
  7. scrubbing
  8. tripping
  9. clapping
  10. grinning
Spelling List 14:
  1. winning

  2. sitting

  3. flipping

  4. planning

  5. sobbing

  6. spinning

  7. begging

  8. trapping

  9. popping

  10. petting

Spelling List 15:
  1. thirst
  2. dirt
  3. thirteen
  4. birthday
  5. blurt
  6. churn
  7. better
  8. verb
  9. urgent
  10. further
Spelling List 16:
  1. quicker
  2. colder
  3. leaner
  4. firmer
  5. thicker
  6. greenest
  7. brightest
  8. kindest
  9. richest
  10. cheapest
Spelling List 17:
  1. barked
  2. charmed
  3. target
  4. harp
  5. March
  6. sparked
  7. harsh
  8. harmed
  9. carted
  10. yarn
Spelling List 18: 
  1. storm

  2. born

  3. fort

  4. north

  5. sport

  6. border

  7. inform

  8. torch

  9. seaport

  10. morning

Spelling List 19:
  1. scarf
  2. marsh
  3. flirt
  4. chirp
  5. tern
  6. concert
  7. blur
  8. spur
  9. orbit
  10. hornet​
Spelling List 20:
  1. clouds
  2. ground
  3. crouches
  4. mounds
  5. clown
  6. frown
  7. scouts
  8. pound
  9. crowd
  10. plows
Spelling List 21:
  1. moist
  2. broil
  3. spoil
  4. joint
  5. enjoy
  6. cowboy
  7. soybean
  8. coil
  9. oink
  10. toilet
Spelling List 22: 
  1. swoop
  2. gloom
  3. spook
  4. shampoo
  5. bamboo
  6. igloo
  7. broom
  8. trooper
  9. proof
  10. cartoon
Spelling List 23:
  1. crook
  2. understood
  3. brook
  4. woodland
  5. boyhood
  6. footing
  7. footprint
  8. booklet
  9. woodpile
  10. bookmark
Spelling List 24:
  1. crawled
  2. crawfish
  3. shawl
  4. seesaw
  5. draw
  6. claw
  7. straw
  8. jigsaw
  9. fawn
  10. drawn
Spelling List 25:
  1. does
  2. doesn’t
  3. would
  4. wouldn’t
  5. have
  6. haven’t
  7. has
  8. hasn’t
  9. can’t
  10. are
  11. aren’t
  12. were
  13. weren’t
  14. do
  15. don’t
Spelling List 26:
  1. who’ve
  2. you’ve
  3. I’ve
  4. we’ve
  5. they’ve
  6. must’ve
  7. might’ve
  8. there’ve
  9. should’ve
  10. would’ve
  11. could’ve
Spelling List 27:
  1. here’s
  2. there’s
  3. where’s
  4. what’s
  5. who’s
  6. you’ll
  7. there’ll
  8. we’ll
  9. that’ll
  10. I’ll
Spelling List 28:
  1. blow
  2. own
  3. bowling
  4. shown
  5. stow
  6. thrown
  7. growth
  8. know
  9. flown
  10. known
Spelling List 29:
  1. meat
  2. meet
  3. break
  4. brake
  5. our
  6. hour
  7. blue
  8. blew
  9. hears
  10. here's
Spelling List 30:
  1. gusts
  2. gyms
  3. fizzes
  4. bathtubs
  5. drifts
  6. brushes
  7. crunches
  8. foxes
  9. glasses
  10. splashes
Spelling List 31:
  1. drumming
  2. quitter
  3. thinned
  4. flipped 
  5. chipped
  6. trotted
  7. madder 
  8. biggest 
  9. trimmest
  10. flattest
Spelling List 32:
  1. oily
  2. mighty
  3. sporty
  4. baggy
  5. shaggy
  6. thirsty
  7. curly
  8. speedy
  9. grumpy
  10. frosty
Spelling List 33: 
  1. script
  2. screech
  3. scruffy
  4. splatter
  5. splendor
  6. sprint
  7. spring
  8. strict
  9. strand
  10. instruct
Spelling List 34: (Trigraphs)
  1. stitch
  2. switch
  3. clutch
  4. crutch
  5. sketch
  6. glitch
  7. twitch
  8. splotch
  9. pitcher
  10. stretcher
Spelling List 35: 
  1. sludge
  2. grudge
  3. wedge
  4. smudge
  5. trudge
  6. badger
  7. dredge
  8. pledge 
  9. budge 
  10. bridge
Spelling List 36:
  1. hassle

  2. saddle

  3. sniffle

  4. snuggle

  5. drizzle

  6. struggle

  7. baffle

  8. cattle

  9. tattletale

  10. scribble

Spelling List 37:

  1. eagle

  2. cradle

  3. trifle

  4. noble

  5. beagle

  6. needle

  7. stifle

  8. steeple

  9. feeble

  10. timetable

Spelling Lists

Make sure you study your sight words each week. These are words that can be a little different from regular spelling patterns and are just as important to know how to spell!

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